Hello and welcome to my 7th annual "12 Days of Christmas" posts. Over the past seven years through the month of November (and sometimes into December) I have worked hard to bring my readers a dozen unique and DOABLE ideas to help personalize and celebrate the holidays.

These will not be 12 consecutive days of posts, but my goal is to always complete them in time for you to be able to recreate the ones that you like before the holiday rush.
And without further ado, 2016's first project is an easy "barn door" made from pallet wood.

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Now, because this barn door would only fit baby animals, I am calling it a hayloft barn door. I used five wider (5 1/2") pallet boards in the length they came (40 inches) and secured them with two skinnier (3 1/2") horizontal boards attached at the top and bottom. Use the PALLET BUSTER to get those pallet boards off--so easy!

Linking up at The Cottage Market!
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