Wednesday, October 19, 2016

God's Word, bible verse, inspirational verse, mother's day, perseverance,
Happy Sunday and Happy Mother's Day! Mommas, ladies, parents--I know, and more importantly God knows, all that you do. Parenting is a hard and often times thankless job. There are a hundred little things you do day in and day out for your children and for your family that just plain wear you out. You wipe noses and bums and light-switch plates, you pick up toys and trash and dirty laundry and broken hearts, you prepare meals trying to please picky palates, you teach and you doctor, you taxi and you coach, you clean and you wash--and you are tired and there are days you want to give up. Today, and EVERY day, remember God sees each little thing you do for you family. Moms, take heart and stay strong and soldier on, knowing that in time you will indeed see the benefits of all that you do. God bless you!

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