I don't collect many things and when I do, I keep the collection small because I just don't want an overwhelming amount stuff.
While unpacking (yes, still 8 months later) some boxes last week I discovered my wind-up alarm clock collection.I haven't seen this collection in awhile because I had put it away about a year or so before we sold our house. I decided it was time to display it again.I took another favorite of mine that I started loosely "collecting" a few years ago, an old level, and in about five minutes I had the perfect place for my clocks.I hung it under my large clock that hangs on the wall near the library.I used two small hinges I had to hang the shelf, securing them to the level first and then the wall. Yes, I drilled into this old level because it is a broken old level, which to "real" collectors, make it undesirable. Broken or not, I love old levels and their details.This one has an S stamped on it.My new shelf is perfect for my small clock collection.What do you collect?#
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Level ShelfI don't collect many things and when I do, I keep the collection small because I just don't want an overwhelming amount stuff.While unpacking (yes, still 8 months later) some boxes last week I discovered my wind-up alarm cloc… Read More
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