Welcome back to Talk of the Town!
First, let's take a look at what you may have missed from your party hosts!
Here's what we're talking about from last week's party!
Jadeite Kitchen Hutch Makeover by Unique Junktique
Upcycled Hand Cart Coffee Table by Scavenger Chic
Repurposed Crib Bench by Grillo Designs
Shed turned Playhouse by Lolly Jane
Bombshell Blue Desk with Rose Knob by Petticoat Junktion
From left to right
Cranberry Apple Cider Recipe + Tag | Cinnamon Applesauce Bread | Pumpkin Cheesecake Roll
From left to right
Each week we feature a blogger and their blog to introduce you to different bloggers that link up with each week.
Make sure to pay them a visit and say hello while you're there!
This week our featured Blogger is Maryanne @ Domestically Speaking.
Maryanne shares lots of DIY home decor,crafts and home improvement projects.
If you were featured today, feel free to spread the word and display this button!
Now, it's your turn!
By linking up at Talk of the Town, you agree that your photos may be used to promote the party, or in other round-ups.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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